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Saule Baby

From small ones to grown ups

Newly lunched BIO baby food product suitable for all the family members.

About Us

Our newly launched natural baby food product modern and fancy food solution from babies to  all the family members. For creating our portfolio we used our more than 10 years’ experience on Baby Food market.
Saule Baby working together with reliable sources. Our farmers and ranchers are mainly from EU.

Children’s food preferences largely develop by age five, help your kids develop a taste…


Organic Mango


Mango is a super fruit, excellent source for vitamin C, antioxidants and minerals such as magnesium and potassium added to the special catching taste. 

Organic Pumpkin-Potato


Pumpkin has a range of fantastic benefits, including being one of the best-known sources of beta carotene. The body converts any ingested beta carotene into vitamin A.

Organic Apple-Plum


Plums offer potassium and vitamins A, C, and K. Together, these essential nutrients support nerve function and build healthy cells, tissue and bones.

Organic Apple-Blueberry


Blueberry are rich in antioxidants, which are crucial in protecting your baby’s cells from harmful radicals. They are a natural source of fibre that contributes to maintaining a healthy digestive system in your little one.

Organic Salmon Puree


Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, essential fats that support your baby’s brain and visual development. Salmon is also one of a handful of food sources of vitamin D.

Coming soon


  • Organic Apple-Pear 125g
  • Organic Apple 125g
  • Organic Chicken Puree 125g

Recyclable packaging

Our baby food has sustainable and recyclable packaging. Packed in recyclable glass jar and cartoon trays.

The closures are PVC free. No migration of undesirable substances into foodstuffs.

Farmers are mainly from EU

Our farmers and ranchers are mainly from EU.

Reliable sources only

Saule Baby working together with reliable sources.

From small ones to grown ups

Fancy food solution from babies to all the family members.

Saule Baby ingredients

Pumpkin-Potato, Apple-Plum, Apple, Apple-Blueberry, Apple-Pear, Mango, Salmon Puree, Chicken Puree

Recepie ideas
for grown ups

Pumpkin-potato Soup


  • Pumpkin – pure from Pumpkin-potato 3 pcs Saule baby jar
  • Onion and garlic – 2 peeled garlic cloves, that adds extra savouriness
  • Water (200 ml)
  • Cream (250ml)is adding richness to the soup, all the thickness comes from the pumpkin itself.
  • Spices (1/4 tsp pepper, 1/2 tsp ginger, little bit of salt)

Jodi S.


Bluberry Smoothie


  • Bluberry – pure from Blueberry- Apple 2 pcs Saule baby jar
  • Milk (350ml): Any dairy or non-dairy milk will work with this smoothie
  • Greek yogurt (one cup)

Marianne G.

Private chef

Mango Smoothie


  • Mango pure from Mango 3 pcs Saule baby jar
  • Milk (300ml): Any dairy or non-dairy milk will work with this smoothie, including my almond milk, cashew milk, or oat milk recipes
  • greek yogurt (one cup)

Jodi S.


Meet us at

Sial Paris 2024, 19-23 October

Stay In Contact


LT-01118 Vilnius, J. Basanavičius g. 4A.

4 + 8 =